Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)

Signpost 59, Spring 2019

Welcome to the online edition of Signpost. This is an alternative to the print edition.

Chairman's Piece
by David Hurrell

All around us are trees. Many trees are found in city and town centres, adding to the feeling of the country side alongside our houses and factories.

by Shirley Addy

As this is the first edition of Signpost since I became its editor, it provides a good opportunity to introduce myself.

High Inspectations
Paul Easthope, Treasurer and Trustee

PNFS has five footpath inspectors who have some strenuous paths in open and wild moorland areas of the High Peak to inspect.

Signpost Report, September 2018
by David Morton

It has been a bumper autumn. Twenty-two signposts have been installed from October to early December.

Ripley Footpath 76
by Ken Brockway

Two pictures of a stile on Ripley footpath 76 at Butterley Park.

PNFS Badges
by Paul Easthope

PNFS has a new pin badge available.

PNFS Funds New Boardwalks in Chee Dale
by Bob Proctor

On a rather dull day last November, our chairman, David Hurrell, and I met Julia Gow of the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust (DWT) and presented her with cheque for £1,130...

Identifying and Claiming Unrecorded Rights of Way
by Ken Brockway

Ken writes about his experience of identifying and claiming unrecorded rights of way in Derbyshire.

Old Brampton's Signs
by Shirley Addy

On 24 October 2018, PNFS signpost number 573 was erected.

Book Review: The South Yorkshire Moors
by Mel Bale

One of our bookshelves has over twenty books of walks in the Peak District

Short Walks Programme
by John Fisher

Long Walks Programme
by David Bratt

Photographs Wanted!!!

Ramblers Association Signposts
by David Morton

The two signs near White Coppice were made for the RA by Needhams Foundry in Stockport in 1963.

The Continuing Saga of The Heights
by Jim Foster

The last edition of Signpost contained a report on the removal of a long-standing obstruction on Bradshaw North 63 at The Heights...

The Ordnance Survey Puzzle Book

The Footpath Inspections Database - An Update
by David Gosling

Parish Notes - Wilpshire, Ribble Valley
by Shirley Addy

The pleasant parish of Wilpshire is in the south-western part of the Ribble Valley, which comes under Lancashire County Council.

Peak District Boundary Walk Plaque
by David Hurrell

It was on a cold and windy day in December 2018 when the Peak District Boundary Walk plaque was unveiled by the Mayor of the High Peak,

And Finally...

PNFS Annual General Meeting

Signpost is edited and published for the Society by Shirley Addy, Postal: contact via Taylor House, 23 Turncroft Lane, Offerton, Stockport, SK1 4AB. Design and Print by Lymetrees (Tel / text 07984 059150).
The views expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the Society

Page title:Signpost 59, Spring 2019
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